Sons of the American Legion
Sons Of The American Legion
History: Born in the midst of the Great Depression of the 1930's. The idea of a junior American Legion organization was first discussed at the Legion's 3rd
National Convention in 1922. Because so few Legionnaires had yet become parents, the idea had little national appeal. But by the late 1920's, Legion
Posts around the nation were enrolling Sons of Legionnaires in junior organizations on their own. These groups were variously known as Legion-Heirs, the
Junior Legion, Sons of American Legionnaires, and Sons of World War Veterans. Today SAL national membership is over 287,000.
Eligibility: All male descendants, adopted sons and stepsons of members of The American Legion, and such male descendants of veterans who died
in service during World 1, World War 11, Korean War, the Vietnam War, Lebanon, Grenada, Panama, and the Persian Gulf War, during the delimiting
periods set forth in Article IV, Section 1, of the National Constitution of The American Legion, or who died subsequent to their honorable discharge from
such service, shall be eligible for membership in the Sons of The American Legion.
Squadrons: The grass roots unit of the Sons of The American Legion is a Squadron. Currently, there are more than 5100 Squadrons throughout the
United States, and in four outlying Detachments in foreign countries. Edmond Post 111 can have a squadron.
Possible Activities: Color Guards, Volunteers hospital worker within the program of the Veterans Administration Voluntary Service (VAVS), Boys
State, Legion, High School Oratorical, Junior Shooting Sports, Crime Prevention/Child, Blood Donor, Patriotic Holiday Observance, Fund raising - steak
fries, fish fries, raffles, car washes, and many other activities to raise money for their favorite projects. Community involvement by participating in: Adopt-
A-Highway Program, Sponsor a High School Student to Girls or Boys State, Give away a scholarship to a local graduating High School Senior, cutting
grass at a local veterans cemetery, and many others.
ADULT LEADERSHIP - YOU. For a Squadron to be successful it needs someone who understands the program, is determined to see that the
program is perpetuated and is willing to develop worthwhile American citizens with the strength and courage to face the responsibilities and challenges of
life in an increasingly complex world
For more information about the Sons of American Legion please visit website:
If you are interested in a rewarding and challenging endeavor, please contactRichard Prawdzienski at 844-7577 or email