2015 August Newsletter

Post date: Aug 28, 2015 3:26:56 PM

Access the PDF newsletter with pictures HERE.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Volume 2: Page 1

Frank H. Collings Post 111

101 E. 5th Street, PO Box 912, Edmond, OK 73083-0912

(405) 341-3049, post111fo@cox.net, www.edmond111.org

Every Monday Coffee & Doughnuts 8-10 a.m.

Post Meeting Third Thursday Every Month 7-8 p.m.


I would like to take this time and introduce you to CPL Frank H. Collings. CPL Collings was with the 123rd Infantry, Company L, who was killed in action July 1, 1918. The entire second division under Maj. Gen. Omar Bundy, was in service in defense of lines at Vaux, supported by the 12th, 15th and 17th field artillery. Frank was 23 and is laid to rest in Plot C, Row 12, Grave 37, Oise-Aisne Ameri-can Cemetery, France. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. William O. Collings of Edmond, Oklahoma. Frank, his older brother Leslie and his two younger brothers Alva 18 and Harry 21 volunteered for service in May 1917. Post 111 was Chartered and Dedicated in his Honor on December 13, 1919, Leslie and Harry are listed on Original Charter.


Original Charter Members this 13th day of December, 1919

William Bryan Oakes

Frank E. Buell, C28-29

Glenn W. Greer

Relford Taylor Weiser

Maurice M. Stewart

Ned Brooks

Chauncy B. Cowles, C34-35

James Harrison Taylor

William Payton Thompson, C35-37

Everett Howard Van Antwerp

Paul H. Coyner, C30-31

Paul Marks

Ezra E. Courtney

Leslie Melvin Hohstadt

Francis Ottis Seymour

Raymond A. Bender, C27-28

Charles Smith

Leslie Collings

Lee B. Bourne

Lloyd Harold McMinimy, C33-34

Joe Sam Johnson, C41-42

Lloyd W. Potts

Harold Fiske

Dr. Thomas Harrison Flesher, C19-20

Scott B. Moore

Gaines Homer Mitchell, C21-22

Clarence W. Votaw

Paul Albert Hill

Milo M. Bernard, C58-59

William Howard Patten

Everett C. McAninch

William Fred Doyle

Laurence Jamieson

Harold M. Paas, C23-24

Ross Wildman

Clyde M. Howell, C25-26

Warren Byers Watkins

Miles C. Coats

Dr. Samuel Newton Stone, C26-27

George Kimball

Edgar Wax

Roy Collingsworth

John Reed

Bernard Mercer Lewis

Edward Everett Tourtellotte, C20-21

Bryan J. Bender

Lewis Edward Messer

Paul Ervon Keller

Frank Anderson Williams

Joseph B. Jenkins

Karl Shelton

E. V. Gaines

Lloyd Winfield Scott

William L. Shelden

Harry Edward Collings

Raymond Barry

George T. Livingstone

Hugh Forsythe

Laurence A. Huffman

Robert W. Lucas


Frank H. Collings

Corporal, U.S. Army

23rd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Division

Entered the Service From: Oklahoma

Date of Death: July 01, 1918

Wars or Conflicts: World War I

Buried: Plot C Row 12 Grave 37

Oise-Aisne American Cemetery

Fere-en-Tardenois, France


From The Commander Robert L. Willis

My Fellow Legionnaires, Thank you for supporting Frank H. Collings Post 111 for the past Ninety Six (96) Years. The American Legion will be cele-brating its One Hundredth (100th) Birthday in March 2019 and because Frank H. Collings Post 111 was Chartered December 13, 1919 we will also be partaking in this Centennial Celebration. I wish to ask everyone to please provide any history, photos, biographies and/or other information you maybe willing to share concerning Frank H. Collings and the members of Post 111. You may send information to rwillis22@cox.net or post111fo@cox.net or just mail it to PO.


Frank H. Collings Post 111 Officers for 2015-16

Robert L. Willis, Commander

Ken L. Wyatt, Adjutant

John R. Briscoe, 1st Vice Commander

Joe De La Cruz, Service Officer

Sven Berglowe, Finance Officer

Raymond Holmes, Sgt.—at—Arms

John R. Briscoe, Chaplain

Harley C. Cox, Historian

A. L. Haizlip, Judge Advocate

Hal Yocum, Boys State Chair

Robert L. Willis, Oratorical Chair


Calendar of Events

 August 14—V-J Day—1945

 August 20—Post 111 Meeting Night at 7 p.m.

 New Officers to be sworn in

 September 2—Japan Signs Surrender—1945

 September 11—Patriot Day

 September 17—Post 111 Meeting Night at 7 p.m.

 Post Cook Out, Bring Spouse

 September 18—U.S. Air Force Birthday 1945

 September 21—POW/MIA Recognition Day


Burger Burn!

September 17 we will have our annual burger burn, you bring the meat and/or beer of your choice, Frank H. Collings Post 111 will provide: buns, chips, pop, water, coffee, condiments, plates and etc., and for the first time we want you to bring your spouse so they can be part of The Legion Family.


Adjutant - Ken Wyatt

Question: Born 1889, last name Schicklgruber, who is this?

Thank you to those who have sent in membership renewals, for those who are waiting until December, Please renew early so our Post can receive 100% renewal rate by October. The last time Frank H. Collings Post 111 has received this Award was 1998, I believe with your help we can receive it again. Thank you.


100th Anniversary Baseball Caps

We have 21 of these caps, Members can purchase for the price of $10.00, non-Members can purchase for cost of $18.00, come by and get yours at Monday Coffee or Regular Meeting night.


Post 111 Video

The American National Legion has taken great interest in Frank H. Collings Post 111 and has put together a video and written information concerning our history for the up coming

American Legion Centennial 1919—2019.

Please take the time and review the full article HERE.


First Post 111 Commander

The first Commander of Frank H. Collings Post 111 was Dr. Thomas Harrison Flesher 1919 –1920. During WWI , Captain Flesher served as a surgeon , he was 43 when he married Margaret C., they had 3 children and lived at 222 East Maine, Edmond. Dr. Flesher was listed in the Adjutant General Military Records 1631-1976 as a member on the Oklahoma Local Draft Board. Dr. Flesher past in 1953 and is laid to rest at Memorial Park Cemetery.


The Answer to Adjutants Question

Answer: Adolph Hitler, changed last name at age 39. Born to unwed mother and had to use her name, until he became powerful.